Friday 25 March 2011

Learn Something...

Lessons from the week..

- Need to learn to cycle properly! Does anywhere do lessons?
- The world really is a nicer place through sunglasses...
- I have laughed more this week than in ages. Has been great! It really is the best medicine.

- I am so, so glad to live in London. I spent today in Covent Garden just wandering and it was beautiful. The cycle home was also great in the sunshine. 
- I am so happy right now - some new friends really do make a huge impact in your life. Thanks Guys.
- Revision is back on the cards with the exam dates being released this week. AAH!

Here are some photos to sum up the last couple of days.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. XX

DP and Nadzo practising their smiles so that they can be more photogenic!

Stuart (brother) and I went for lunch today at Fire and Stone. This is my 'New York' pizza with potato, caramelised onion and sour cream. Yum.

Stu with his 'London' pizza - had to be loyal to his University town.

This was the iPad2 queue outside the Apple store in Covent Garden today. CRAZY.

1 comment:

These comments make my day - thanks for taking the time. X