Friday 9 September 2011


I was looking back over previous posts and realised that I hadn't written anything about the fortnight of camp that I did at the end of July/beginning of August, so sorry for being a bit behind.

I've been part of Word of Life UK for about 6/7 years and it really has become a super important part of my life.
I've made great friends and I feel so fortunate to have met some amazing people. 
I have also really grown in my faith and seen how can God can work in people which has been great!
This fortnight really wasn't an exception.
We had great fun, teaching and life changing decisions were made.
So here are some pictures to give you a feel of what we did:

All the photos were taken by my good friend Aaron who is the guy wearing the insane blonde wig.!

If you want to find out more check out the facebook page or the website!
Have a good day! X

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