Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Wednesday Wishes {5}

I'm sure you know the drill by now - it is Wednesday so time for some wishes.

ONE. Learn to smile properly.
I have the irritating issue of not being able to smile properly and then looking ridiculous in ALL photos. Show teeth or don't?! I definitely need lessons!

TWO. Go to Peru.
It is a massive dream of mine to visit Peru! Such a beautiful country and it really would be the trip of a lifetime.

THREE. Bake like Mary Berry.
Mary Berry is the queen of all things baking. If anyone has seen The Great British Bake off you'll know how amazing she is. She is such a sweet lady and definitely someone I'd like to aspire to in the kitchen.

FOUR. Get a monogram mug.
Aren't these just great? 
Want to share your wishes? Head over to Brooke's blog!


  1. I need to check out Mary Berry! She's so cute :D

  2. Super cute mug, and I need the same lessons in facial expressions

  3. Herlatenightcravings2 February 2012 at 15:39

    Love this idea of Wednesday Wishes!! I'd say travel is high on my list. But to where...ANYWHERE! :-)
    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings! 

  4. blackbutterfly133 February 2012 at 21:45

    these are so cute! visiting Peru is also on my list of places to go! lovely blog :)

    Monyka x

  5. i love this stuff!

  6. Thanks dear.. Yes Peru has been top of my list for some time too. X

  7. Yes I agree - travel is high on my list too! X

  8. I know right?! I can see my kitchen cupboard being like the alphabet! X

  9. She IS really cute - such a sweet lady and you really can't beat her cakes. X

  10. I must own 20 coffee mugs, but I find myself favoring my monogram mug.  Anthro knows what they're doing!  $6 and adorable!


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